Nailed in the ass
JOB OPENING: COORD PROG SCHEDULING-(UNDISCLOSED TV NETWORK/NYC). Schedule series, films, specials. Mng inventory. Coordinate daily operations. Detail oriented/fast paced self-starter. EOE. If only I coulda waited 6 months... I interviewed for this job, thought the phone conversation went absolutely GREAT! We spoke for an hour, really seemed to mesh, after 2 weeks of hearing nothing I knew I was passed over. I think I wrote her a note anyway - maybe I wrote her after the conversation, maybe after the rejection, probably the former. Either way, I was crushed to not get my dream job. Now, months later, the position is available. But, I am not eligible for the job until I have been here for a year. And who knows if there will be a spot at that time. I'm crushed again. I always take bad beats, I never get lucky. Regardless, I'll send her a note and ask to meet for coffee - shoulda done that months ago. At least she'll get a chance to meet me in person, see my marvelous hair, and maybe she'll remember me and like me enough to hire me when a position does become available. That's my plan, we'll see how it works out. |