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Friday, March 24, 2006

Nailed in the ass

JOB OPENING: COORD PROG SCHEDULING-(UNDISCLOSED TV NETWORK/NYC). Schedule series, films, specials. Mng inventory. Coordinate daily operations. Detail oriented/fast paced self-starter. EOE.

If only I coulda waited 6 months...

I interviewed for this job, thought the phone conversation went absolutely GREAT! We spoke for an hour, really seemed to mesh, after 2 weeks of hearing nothing I knew I was passed over. I think I wrote her a note anyway - maybe I wrote her after the conversation, maybe after the rejection, probably the former.

Either way, I was crushed to not get my dream job.

Now, months later, the position is available. But, I am not eligible for the job until I have been here for a year. And who knows if there will be a spot at that time.

I'm crushed again. I always take bad beats, I never get lucky.

Regardless, I'll send her a note and ask to meet for coffee - shoulda done that months ago. At least she'll get a chance to meet me in person, see my marvelous hair, and maybe she'll remember me and like me enough to hire me when a position does become available. That's my plan, we'll see how it works out.

comments on "Nailed in the ass"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:55 PM):  


Why do dogs eat their poop? One reason dogs eat their poop is because it just plain taste
good. Another reason is it could be a vitamin deficiency. One other reason for the poop
eating is that it is an instinctual behavior in the wild to eat the poop to keep other predators
from tracking their movements.

Some solutions for stopping poop eating are: You can put meat tenderizer on it.

What do you think?

By the way, I love that too!  Where did you get that at?  

See you soon! WonderGirl 

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Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:51 AM):  


Wow, I've found the same to be true too!  How did you find that?  

See you soon! Girly Girl 

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