He's Back!
No, not him, I am talking about Jay Williams who is said to be close to signing with the Philadelphia 76ers. And good for him. I don’t know anyone who thought he would ever play in the NBA again. Most wrote off his optimism as the arrogance associated with professional athletes or the psychological realities that inevitably beset those who fall from greatness. A number of years ago, I opened up a couple boxes of 1989 and 1990 Hoops cards and some random other years, because that’s what qualifies for fun for me these days. Something about ripping open those packs that is just addicting. I highly suggest you try it. Besides getting 14 Kevin Willis cards, I came across some guys who didn’t have the privilege of having the same longevity, like Drazen Petrovic. From this I decided to make an all-tragedy team. Keep in mind I only had cards from the late 80’s and early 90’s. I came up with Petrovic, Bobby Hurley, Reggie Lewis, Roy Tarpley and Danny Manning. That’s a pretty good team, albeit undersized (maybe Sharone Wright can step in). Kudos to Jay Williams for extricating himself from the updated all-tragedy team. - nutlow |
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