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Party Poker

Thursday, March 30, 2006

An open letter from the Greek to the Tamer

Subject: What I can do for you.

What's disturbing to me is when I call T up and all I can hear in the background is motor mouth talking about how he out scored so and so. I think even the big guy felt a little bad. "I'm not the sixth man, Todd, I want my respect.". "I played great D and I even had more points than Tamer," was being screamed into my ear as I tried making conversation with toddy.

Anyway the point of all of this I know BJ, TJ, and one ofthe JV kids if you want some help with your game.

Congrats on the winner take all win on Sunday. Sorry I wasn't there.

Is it true that AG, the snake, isn't coming to the ATL for fantasy football? That little jerk, you've visited 2 or 3 times and how many times has he been back to see us. He said that he would try to phone in his picks, but I'm going to tell Tthat's not fair.

Let me know when you guys are playing next. Maybe the next time will be $30 entry.
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